Monday, November 20, 2006

Another Best In Show!

I'm proud and excited to announce that we have taken another "Best In Show" win on November 19, 2006 at Rochester In, Indiana State Angora Rabbit Specialty Club show. Bob Shaftoe did an outstanding job judging! There were 67 Angoras in attendance. Run Down Ranch took BIS, BOB English Angora, BOB & BOS Satin Angora and BOS French Angora.
In the all-breed show the same day we took BOB English Angora, BOB & BOS Satin Angora and BOS French Angora and we got "honorable mention" for "Best 4 Class". Cathy Patrick judged Angoras for that show.
We had a very exciting day and fun visiting with the Angora breeders from the Indiana club.

Full siblings to "Dumbledore" will be for sale this late winter/early spring. These are 4th generation "Run Down Ranch" rabbits!